Watch Shaun’s daughter, Aria, interview Shaun to get to know him even better.
Welcome, Board Chair: Shaun Andrews
January 26, 2021
Musical Empowerment recently named Shaun Andrews as Board Chair of the National Board of Directors. Shaun brings his experiences from public education, corporate management and nonprofit leadership to deliver Musical Empowerment’s mission to deserving youth across the nation. Fellow board member, Alex Kim, asked Shaun a few questions before voting him into position.
Alex: Tell us about your current role and how that experience helps you to serve ME.
Shaun: The Men’s Achievement Center at North Carolina Central University has been around since 2009 and we have graduated over 600 minority males. My role is over mentoring, academics and mental health for college students. We align young men with experience but also have them understand what it means by asking questions- What does it mean to make a difference in a child’s life? What does it mean to develop a career plan? I have a tech startup that focuses on music and this helps our young men deal with trauma and fear. Music controls the mood and we can use it for behavioral management. Certain songs we listen to are for getting excited before the football game, or for playing music before going on a date.
Alex: What are some other experiences that help you to serve?
Shaun: My resume is pursuit of passion. I’ve had many different experiences from corporate America, teaching 7th-grade social studies, mentorships and playing college football. I founded ‘Black men for change’ at Winston Salem State with a focus on inner-city students. It was a bridge program, where we trained college students to mentor high schoolers and high schoolers to mentor middle schoolers. In grad school, I also ran Saturday academy – where we brought in law students to teach our young folks. Every law student came in to mentor and see things on the other side. Not just a “do-gooder” but contribute to humanity – not just “projects” but human beings.
Alex: What did you learn through the career changes?
Shaun: When working in corporate, I thought money was it. When my friends passed away, my mental health app became my mission. I’ve never regretted anything. If I have an idea, I’m gonna do it – with no hesitation and I’ll pursue it by any means necessary.
Alex: What excites you most about leading on the Board of Directors?
Shaun: I love expanding skill sets and people. I love music and I fully understand the power of music. I think I could help push our message and package ME to recruit more diverse mentors. With ME, I see our experience with diverse populations. Organizations often have a far-off view and no real purview to what’s on the ground. I bring